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城市公园是城市生态系统的重要组成部分和城市生物多样性热点地区,具有丰富的声景观资源。由于声景观及声学方法具有信息量大,成本低,低侵入的特点,因此其研究和应用对生态系统健康及监测具有较高价值。声景观研究通过总结生物声的活动或多样性来衡量生物多样性。记录了北京20个城市公园的春季声景观,使用定量方法描述了声景观特征与变化;测试三种了已被证明与生物多样性相关并被广泛使用的声学指数(BIO、ADI、NDSI)与植被群落关系,完成了城市环境中声景观与环境关系的初步探究。研究结果表明:(1)声学指数能够有效表征城市公园声景观信息,具有显著的时间动态特性,能准确反映鸟类黎明合唱等重要生物生态活动;(2)声学强度指数也具有显著的时间动态变化和沿频率梯度的变化,不同的频率区间反映了不同声学群落的活动信息;(3)植被结构尤其是垂直结构对声景观起着重要作用,垂直异质性越大,声学多样性越高。发现支持声景观作为公园植被状况的度量,强调了其作为生物多样性和生态系统健康状况监测方法,用于城市管理和可持续发展的巨大潜力。  相似文献   
A comparison is made of data on the level of development of play activity and its influence on the volitional behavior of today's preschoolers and the preschoolers of the 1940s–1950s. The results of the comparison point to a substantial decrease in the level of narrative role-playing among children today. The study reproduces the widely known experiment of Z.V. Manuilenko (1948). The comparison of data on preschoolers of the mid-twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first shows a significant decrease in the level of volitional behavior in both play and nonplay situations. The results suggest that primitive, underdeveloped play cannot define a zone of proximal development and fulfill the status of primary activity.  相似文献   
张晓燕  曹琰旎  付晓  朱天琳  吴钢 《生态学报》2021,41(22):8860-8869
通过对中国工业区,特别是纺织服装工业区"产废"情况的梳理,明确针对污染严重,经济效益不高的工业区进行改造的必要性。为实现对纺织服装工业区绿色化改造,从"无废理念"出发,重点研究纺织服装工业区绿色化改造的可实施路径。在研究方法上将纺织服装工业区作为研究整体,基于可持续发展思想,构建纺织服装工业区经济、社会、环境复合生态系统,运用层次分析法,选取对于该类工业园区具有代表性的经济、社会、环境指标进行评价,通过评价后总的分值,结合生命周期规律,将需要改造的纺织服装工业区进行初步筛选。同时,利用经济、社会、环境各子系统的分值,对具体改造模式加以判别。文章通过对纺织服装工业区不可持续性的内涵挖掘,将工业区绿色化改造模式与改造内容建立关联,可以通过产业绿色化改造和建成空间绿色化改造,来实现工业园区的升级与转型,进而实现可持续发展。最后,根据模式判别结果,针对不同模式在产业与建成空间的不同特征,提出相应的绿色化改造方法和政策建议。在结论中总结基于"无废理念"纺织服装工业区绿色化改造与可持续发展的辩证关系。此方法适用于其他类型的工业区改造模式判别,以促进工业区的可持续发展。  相似文献   
生态修复是指在不同人为干预程度下,协助已遭受退化、损伤或破坏的生态系统恢复的过程。我国海岸带地区资源丰富、位置优越,但过度的开发建设活动严重破坏了当地的生态环境,急需对受损的海岸带生态系统进行保护和修复。以东营市海岸带地区为例,运用InVEST模型对其2005、2010、2015和2018年4个时间段的碳储存功能进行评估并分析碳储存及"碳源碳汇"的动态变化,以间接反映出区域生态系统的稳定性和健康程度。结果表明,2005-2018年东营市海岸带碳储存功能持续减弱,13年间碳储存总量减少了1.341×106 t,生态系统碳储存功能受到严重破坏,其中有8.68×104 hm2生态系统碳储存功能评价等级为差和极差,空间上受损最为严重的区域主要分布在岸线附近的北部、东北部和东南部。按照东营市海岸带碳损失空间差异和生态系统演替规律,从3个方面提出相应的修复方案,包括加强恢复区保护力度、稳定碳储存能力,整顿辅助区粗放模式、塑造碳储存廊道和退还重建区滨海湿地、扭转碳损失趋势,以期通过改善和恢复研究区海岸带生态系统碳储存功能,实现对受损生态系统的有效保护和修复。  相似文献   
The lysine requirements of rats of various body weights were estimated using the feeding and isotope tests.

The regression equation obtained by the feeding test was Y= 1.03 – 0.58 log X. Where Y is lysine percentage of the diet and X is the mean of initial and final body weights (g) of rats achieving optimal growth gains during the feeding period.

The regression equation obtained by the isotope test was 7=0.90 – 0.49 log X, where Y and X are lysine percentage in the diet and body weights (g) of rats achieving optimal growth gains at the injection time respectively.  相似文献   

The vegetation of the study site near Rome (Castelporziano Estate), where different woodland types occur, was analysed on the basis of ecological indicator values (Zeigerwerte) for light, temperature, continentality of climate, soil moisture, soil pH and nitrogen. Indicator values were estimated with Hill's reprediction algorithm for the flora of Central-Southern Italy relying on a database of 4,207 original relevés representing a balanced survey of the vegetation of this and surrounding areas. It was possible to obtain indicator values for an important fraction of the Italian Mediterranean flora. Results are ecologically reasonable, and it was possible to find strong correlation between the recalculated values and a few environmental variables. These correlations were not significant in an analogous test with subjectively derived scores of Ellenberg indicator values.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to provide new syntaxa for the Italian vegetation checklist. For the class Rhamno–Prunetea which includes the class Paliuretea the new alliance Rhamno saxatilis–Paliurion spinae-christi is described, that is included in the order Paliuretalia spinae-christi with a central-western Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean distribution. Otherwise, the more thermophilous Paliurus spina-christi vegetation is included in the new suballiance named as Oleo sylvestris–Paliurenion spinae-christi within the alliance Oleo–Ceratonion of the class Quercetea ilicis. For the class Trifolio–Geranietea medii, a new alliance named Hyperico calabricae–Asphodelion macrocarpi is proposed here.  相似文献   
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